Fintech API technology and platform development for financial services clients. Unlock limitless possibilities for data analytics, marketing, cloud, and security initiatives.

Terazo works with clients in the financial services industry to develop new tools, workflows, platforms, products, and services that increase performance and efficiency while adhering to best practices for security and regulatory compliance.

Let's Go
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Fintech services, API development, and fintech analytics for clients in the financial services industry

Terazo offers toolsets, API technologies, and expert knowledge to help companies in the financial services industry create extraordinary user experiences that foster trust and loyalty, built upon solid foundations as secure as they are innovative.

Our multi-disciplinary teams have a deep understanding of issues and opportunities present in financial services – together, we partner with you to build your future and deliver the results you need. With our API-Centric approach, you can feel confident that we are designing and building an enterprise strategy that is extensible, sustainable, and reliable.

Innovate Without Compromise

  • Leverage best-in-class tools and API technologies for connected and seamless customer experiences.
  • Cloud computing in fintech has never been easier – Terazo teams are built for speed and continuous inquiry, allowing financial services clients to incubate innovation in data, cloud, servicing, and customer experience.
  • Our fintech security solutions incorporate bank-grade encryption directly within your code or platform.
  • Our Infrastructure-as-Code and CI/CD methodologies help you keep pace with best practices for cybersecurity in fintech.
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Set The Stage for Scalability

  • Quickly flesh out proof-of-concepts with rapid prototyping to increase confidence in MVP development and go-to-market investment strategy.
  • Select the best fintech tools to achieve your organizational goals or optimize workflows within your existing architecture.
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Ensure Audit & Regulatory Compliance

  • Our ongoing knowledge of your regulatory environment can help ensure compliance.
  • Confidently implement security and monitoring best practices for fintech APIs and platforms.
  • Terazo’s powerful observability platform can help your organization shift away from reactive responses and start taking proactive measures.
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Selected Case Studies