Daniel Maier headshot

Daniel Maier

Daniel Maier is a Managing Director of Terazo Europe, based in Berlin, Germany. He and…
Brad Baer
February 29, 2024
Max Deubler headshot

Max Deuber

Max Deuber is the Managing Director of Terazo Europe, based in Berlin, Germany. He and…
Brad Baer
February 29, 2024
mike kirillin headshot - 500

Mike Kirillin

Mike Kirillin is a connector at his core. Since beginning his career in technology sales…
Brad Baer
February 28, 2024
george boatright headshot

George Boatright

A proven technology and financial executive, George leverages both disciplines in his role as Chief…
Brad Baer
February 28, 2024
chris busse headshot

Chris Busse

With a passion for the ways in which technologists build solutions for people, Chris helps…
Brad Baer
February 28, 2024
mark wensell headshot - 500

Mark Wensell

Connecting people, via the systems they depend on, to drive business results has been the…
Brad Baer
February 27, 2024